Suche einschränken:
Zur Kasse

4 Ergebnisse.


Badinter, Robert

R. Badinter relate la vie de sa grand-mère maternelle Idiss (1863-1942). Juive d'origine russe, elle s'installe à Paris avant la Première Guerre mondiale. Elle y vit les plus belles années de sa vie avant d'être rattrapée par l'histoire, le nazisme et la guerre. Grand prix SGDL de l’essai 2019.

CHF 12.60

Free and Equal.... Emancipating France's Jews 1789-1791

Badinter, Robert
Free and Equal.... Emancipating France's Jews 1789-1791
A well-written, balanced historical study which examines all aspects of the gradual emancipation of France's Jews during the Revolution. Comprehensive and comprehensible, this study investigates the various political intrigues which determined the ebb and flow of Jewish expectations." -THE FRENCH REVIEW "Badinter's Free and Equal is an important contribution to the history of the Jews, French history and the history of human rights. It c...

CHF 40.90